While some companies set it up as a monthly payment plan for ongoing services or resources, others prefer it to be more transactional in nature. An example of the latter is an affiliate program, where Company A agrees to pay Company B 15-30% of all sales generated by referrals from its website. Another popular model involves sharing ad space with another company that pays marketers based on views/clicks or cost per action (CPA). The possibilities are truly endless! Is revenue sharing right for your business? Revenue share digital marketing may not make sense for all businesses.
However, there's still a good chance you should consider it. If your company spends money on resources or services, revenue sharing is likely the right choice for you. This will be especially helpful for companies that want to market job email list their product/service but don't currently have the funds to make it happen. sound like you? Then revenue sharing may be just what you need to help your business grow. Related: 9 PPC Best Practices to Improve ROI. What are the benefits of a dollar bill revenue share? This pricing model has several advantages, including: It helps businesses manage cash flow.
It reduces the risk of making the wrong investment as you are not responsible for all the upfront costs. It enables small companies to partner with larger companies that otherwise might not be able to afford it. It gives your company an extra boost to ensure they get results. You see, the more they help you, the more money they make of their own. There are many more benefits, but these are just a few of the things worth mentioning. It also doesn't hurt to try and see if revenue sharing digital marketing is right for you! One of the great benefits of revenue sharing is that it drives performance, you can read more about how revenue sharing drives performance-based marketing.