Statement “ fat is bad” is a myth that has been around for years. The main mistake is to put all the fats in the same bag without taking into account the differences between them. Fortunately, today this belief is increasingly dismantled and we can affirm that in this year 2022, it will continue to spread. Consuming quality fat is not only healthy, but necessary. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the ones that bring us the most benefits. Good sources of healthy fats are: extra virgin olive oil, natural nuts, seeds, fish, avocado, etc.
It is great news that the importance E Commerce Photo Editing of healthy fats is becoming a nutritional trend, since it reflects that the myth discussed above is being banished. 4. Postbiotics in recent years it has been proven that the microbiota is key to people's health. As an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota can lead to the development of various diseases, the use of prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics to improve it has attracted great interest over the years. Postbiotics, very new in the area, are making a big comeback in 2022. They include any substance released or produced through the metabolic activity of the microorganism. That is, components produced by the bacteria such as enzymes, polysaccharides, proteins, organic acids or lipids.
These exert a beneficial effect on the host, directly or indirectly. We will see more and more studies and research, with which these new allies of our intestinal health will gain strength. 5. Eat mindfully conscious eating, also known as mindful eating , is becoming more and more important, being a practice that is presented as a strong bet for this 2022. The origin comes from mindfulness applied to food to become aware and pay attention when eating. Of course, mindful eating seeks to improve the way we relate to food , placing great emphasis on the mental and emotional sphere.